Ways to Support Us
There are no dues or fees to attend meetings and no one is expected to donate. Our chapter is self-supporting through donations made in memory of a child or other donations made directly to the chapter. We are a tax exempt 501(c)3 non-profit organization and donations are tax deductible. These donations enable us to be here for the families that need us.
Chapter funds are used for:
Welcome Packets for new members
Chapter phone
Website and community outreach
Purchasing TCF brochures and printing of other materials
Candle Lighting service expenses
Annual dues to TCF national
Training for chapter leadership
Our chapter is run by volunteers and we are always looking for people to help out with the various functions and events. If you have an interest, please reach out to any member of the Steering Committee. Volunteering to help does not mean you have to make a long-term commitment. You can volunteer to help with just one event.
To make a donation by mail:
The Compassionate Friends RVA c/o 1119 Worsham Green Terrace Midlothian, VA 23114
To donate online:
There is a way to support the chapter that will not cost you anything!
Do you shop at Kroger? We are in Kroger’s Community Rewards program and when you link your Kroger card to our chapter, Kroger will donate a percentage of what you spend. You simply need to enroll your card and select The Compassionate Friends #1422 or enter our Kroger non-profit (NPO) number of PQ998.
To enroll your card:
Pick up a Kroger Plus card at any Kroger service desk - you can ask Customer Service to link your card
Click on Sign In / Register
Sign up by inputting your zip code or clicking on your favorite Kroger store
Once verified, click on My Account
Click on Edit Kroger Community Rewards
Enter our non-profit number of PQ998 or The Compassionate Friends #1422 Kroger will send our chapter a small percentage of your purchases - and it doesn’t cost you anything! Please share this information with your friends and family and encourage them to support the chapter! Thanks in advance ☺